
Discover our training
center in Phnom Penh

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Where Passerelles Numériques began…

Launched in 2005 in Phnom Penh, Passerelles Numériques Cambodia (PNC) offers a 2-year  IT training program in IT, based on a holistic approach including technical skills and professional development (or soft skills). While at PNC, the basic needs of our students (housing, food, medical care) are covered.

Country context

In 2022, more than 14% of the working population aged 15 and over lived on less than $1.90 per day.

77% of the population lives in rural areas and 49% is under 25 years old.

17,9% enrollment rate in higher education (Ministry of Education & Youth, 2023).


Our Local Impact

Since 2005, PN Cambodia has transformed the lives of nearly 6,000 people
(students and their families) through IT education.


graduates since 2005.


of graduates work in the IT sector.

305 USD

is the average entry-level monthly salary of PNC graduates, compared to the 50 USD earned on average and per capita by their family, before PNC.


of graduates find a job within 3 months of graduation.


of our current students

are young women.


Our Training Program

Passerelles Numériques has implemented an innovative and comprehensive training
program in each of its centers, focused on long-term employability.

An associate degree in Computer Science

Passerelles Numériques in Cambodia (PNC) offers a 2-year full time training in IT with a major in Software Development, meeting the needs of local companies in the IT industry, for underprivileged Cambodian youths.

PNC is registered with the Cambodian Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. At the end of the training, students receive an Associate Degree in Computer Science with a major in Software Development, as well as a Passerelles Numériques certificate.

Throughout their training, students benefit from a comprehensive professional and technical skills training, and strong support for their professional integration. They also participate in extra-curricular and personal development activities.

Professional and technical skills
Personal development and wellbeing
Professional integration support
Download the curriculum

Our Selection Process

Every year, from February to November, the Passerelles Numériques Cambodia selection team conducts a rigorous 4-step selection process across the country, closely working with local partners, high schools, community organizations and local NGOs. The goal is to select 75 young people from disadvantaged backgrounds who are motivated to join PNC, with a target of at least 50% of female students, in an effot to bridge the gender gap in both tech and higher education.

Information sessions
February to April

1. Information sessions

Organized in the most remote regions for students at the end of secondary education, the objective is to inform them about training and career opportunities in the field of IT, and about the PN program. To ensure a wide reach, we have established solid and lasting partnerships with local NGOs.

Between 40 and 50 information sessions each year with between 3,000 and 3,500 students.

Written tests
June to July

2. Written tests

Following the information sessions, motivated and eligible students are encouraged to register for the written test. It includes English, Logic and Mathematics tests, totaling approximately 3 hours.

Between 800 and 1000 students take the tests each year.

Career guidance sessions
August to September

3. Career guidance sessions

After taking the written exam, successful candidates are invited to a career guidance session to assess their motivation and aptitude for integrating our training program.

Between 400 and 450 take a career guidance session to join the training.

Home visits
September to November

4. Home visits

In order to select the most disadvantaged, our teams of educators carry out a home visit to study the economic and social situation of the family. Indicators include: type of housing, number of siblings, parents’ occupation, family income per capita etc… Each visit lasts between 1 and 2 hours.

Each year, approximately 220 to 270 home visits are carried out.

Final selection committee
September to November

5. Selection committee

The final stage of the selection process ends with a selection committee. The committee is made up of various departments, including the training and education team. It meets to select the 75 candidates who will be admitted into the program.


Our Areas of Operation

Our selection process aims to cover the entire country. Every year, the selection team travels
to remote, rural areas that are often hard to access. In 2023, PNC covered 17 of 25
provinces in the country.

of students come from rural areas.
of beneficiaries are girls.
50 $
is the average income per capita in each household.
is the average number of members in the family household.
17 ~ 24
is the age of our beneficiaries.
Takeo Kandal Kampot Prey Veng Pursat Uddor Meanchey Banteay Meanchey Siem Reap Preah Vihear Ratanak Kiri Kampong Thom Battambang Kampong Chhnang Kampong Cham Phnom Penh Kampong Speu Preah Sihanouk

PNC through the years

Passerelles Numériques Cambodia is the historical birthplace of PN, where it all began with 25 students in 2005.


Launch of the first Passerelles Numériques program in Phnom Penh with 25 students (SNA – Systems and Network Administration).


Inauguration of the PN Cambodia building and first graduating class of 20 students (SNA).


Launch of a new training course in our center: Web  Programming.


For the first time, 100 new students are enrolled.


1st PNC Career Forum.


PNC celebrates its 10th anniversary.


PNC launches “oPenh” a comprehensive project to update its training program over 2 years.


PNC receives support from the Cambodian Ministry of Economy and Finance’s “Skills Development Fund” and the Asian Development Bank (ADB), 150 students are enrolled.


PNC starts implementing a framework for innovative pedagogy that will be applied to all centers.


French Development Agency partnership “BRIDGES Project” : it aims to reduce poverty by facilitating access, for vulnerable youths in Cambodia and the Philippines, to vocational training and skilled employment in the digital sector, while promoting the engagement of key stakeholders on gender issues.

NomadLab Project

Almost 50% of the world’s population, or 3.7 billion people, do not have digital access and most are women in developing countries. In Cambodia alone, only 56% of the population uses the Internet.

Operating in Cambodia, NomadLab is a modular, open-source, inclusive and easy-to-build solution for ICT infrastructures, as well as an innovative educational tool for teachers and students. This project aims to bridge the digital divide in rural and disadvantaged communities, with the goal of reaching 11,500 children (aged 6-18) and young adults.


Our PNC Testimonies

Discover compelling testimonies from current students, alumni, and professors!

IT Instructor at PNC, since 2020

PNC has become like a second home to me, and I am incredibly grateful for everything I have received!

My past experience as a student at PNC allows me to deeply understand what my current students are going through, so I can empathize, support, and guide them effectively. I truly enjoy this aspect of my role. I often receive messages from former students thanking me for my support and the impact I’ve had on their lives.

What makes me most proud today is knowing that nearly 300 of my students have found jobs and are living better lives!

current student PNC - class of 2025

I come from a poor family. Had I not gotten into PNC I would not be able to continue my studies because my family cannot afford it!

After two years of training, I will be able to find a good job, get a good salary, help my family and make a small contribution to PNC.

I was really able to improve thanks to very qualified teachers, diverse projects, group work and public presentations. At PNC, there is no discrimination, every student is integrated and we all communicate together.

After PNC training, Sokchea wants to become an expert in web programming!

Alumna, class of 2022

I am very happy because PNC helped me develop my technical and professional skills. Before I knew absolutely nothing about computers or technology. By joining PNC, I discovered computers, English and I also made good friends.

Before, I didn’t know what type of work I could do or that I could earn a good salary and support my family. Everything we learned during the training, I apply it every day in my current job!

As soon as we arrived, the PNC teachers supported us and pushed us to communicate with each other, which allowed me to develop my skills on this subject. Thank you sincerely PNC for everything you have taught me!


Latest News from PNC

Find the latest news and updates.

We can be heroes, just for one day!
The final year of our Class 2018: An intensive academic journey
Learning By Experimenting through Education and Computer Simulation
Leading towards a brighter future through Digital Literacy
Leading towards a brighter future through Digital Literacy

Our Team

The PNC team is committed to fostering a better future for Cambodian youths.

Maud KOETSCHET Deputy Director
Hybunna HANG Country Director
Lucie GOGNY External Relations Manager
Thaina SEANG Selection Project Manager
Sim HUL Student Life Manager
Sreysros SOK Admin & Finance Manager

Partner with us!

We partner with businesses in many ways: internships, recruitment of our qualified graduates, laptop donations, financial support and many other forms of collaboration…

For any questions, please contact
Lucie GOGNY – External Relations Manager at PNC: lucie.gogny@passerellesnumeriques.org

Join our team!

PNC offers employment and volunteer opportunities.

To submit a spontaneous application, send your
updated CV and a cover letter to :

Because every contribution
matters to PNC…

Our Local Partners

Our Global Partners

Contact Us


BP 511 St. 371 Phum Tropeang Chhuk (Borey Sorla) Sangkat, Tek Thla Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh CAMBODIA