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PN’s 1st center in Africa

Launched in 2022 in Antananarivo, Passerelles Numériques Madagascar (PNM), provides a one-year post-high school preparatory course, based on a holistic educational approach including technical skills and professional development (soft skills). PNM is registered as a local association (under the name “Passerelles Numériques Madagasikara”).

Country context

Madagascar is 1 of the 5 poorest countries in the world. Only 11% of Malagasy people have formal employment.

2/3 of the population is under 25 years old and about 500,000 young people enter the job market each year. 

The enrollment rate falls to 13% for higher education. However, the island faces a growing need for qualified workers in the digital field.


Our Local Impact

Since 2022, PN Madagascar has transformed the lives of nearly 530 people (students & their families) through IT education.


of students have pursued
their studies at universities.


of students have gained the technical skills and education level to pursue higher education.


students supported
since 2022.


of our current students
are young women.


Our Training Program

Passerelles Numériques has implemented an innovative and comprehensive training program in each of its centers, focused on long-term employability.

A preparatory class in Computer Science

PNM operates a bit differently from other centers. Indeed, PNM provides a one-year post-high school preparatory course to young Malagasy students. The training is divided between academic classes and interventions from partners in the digital field.

During this preparatory year, students will develop their cross-functional, technical and soft skills essential to a sustainable career in an era of digital transformation. PNM offers 2 specializations – Sciences, Technologies and Digital & Letters, Communication & Digital. At the end of this preparatory year, we guide our students towards post graduate studies through tailored guidance adapted to their skills, desires and in line with the needs of the local market.

Those who choose to pursue their studies (90% of our two first classes) are offered scholarships as well as a socio-educational follow-up until they find a secure job.

Professional and technical skills
Personal development and wellbeing
Professional integration support
Download the curriculum

Our Selection Process

Every year, from May to November, the Passerelles Numériques Madagascar selection team conducts a fair and rigorous 4-step selection process. Closely working with partner high schools and NGOs, the objective is to select 50 young talents from disadvantaged backgrounds who are motivated to join PNM. We aim for at least 50% of students to be young women.

Information sessions
May to July

1. Information Sessions

Organized for high school students, the objective is to inform them about training and career opportunities in the field of IT, and about the Passerelles Numériques program. To guarantee a wide reach, we have established solid and lasting partnerships with local NGOs.

Between 10 and 15 information sessions each year, attended by 200 to 250 students.

Written tests

2. Written tests

Following the information sessions, motivated and eligible students are encouraged to register for the written exam. It includes English, Logic and Mathematics tests, totaling approximately 3 hours.

Between 100 and 130 students take the tests each year.

Career guidance sessions

3. Career guidance sessions

After taking the written exam, successful candidates are invited to a career guidance session to assess their motivation and aptitude for integrating our training program. This interview is conducted by two members of the PNM team and lasts around 1 hour.

Between 80 and 90 students take a career guidance session to join the training.

Home visits

4. Home visits

In order to select the most disadvantaged, our teams of social workers carry out a home visit to study the economic and social situation of the family. Indicators include: type of housing, number of siblings, parents’ occupation, family income per capita, living area etc… Each visit lasts 1 hour.

Each year, approximately 10 to 15 home visits are carried out.

Final selection comittee

5. Selection committee

The final stage of the selection ends with a selection committee. This committee is made up of various departments, including the training and education team. It meets to select the 50 candidates who will be admitted to the program.


Our Areas of Operation

Each year, our selection process targets the most underserved areas of rural provinces in Madagascar, focusing on remote, difficult to access areas where educational and employment opportunities are scarce. Our beneficiaries come from many provinces.

of students come from rural areas
of beneficiaries are girls
9 $
is the average income per capita in each household.
is the average number of members in the family household
18 ~ 24
is the age of our beneficiaries
Alaotra-Mangoro Analamanga Amoron'i Mania Analanjirofo Atsinanana Boeny Fitovinany Ihorombe Haute Matsiatra Itasy Sofia Vakinakaratra Betsiboka Atsimo-Atsinanana Atsimo-Andrefana

PNM through the years

Passerelles Numériques Madagascar is the last center opened by PN and the first in Africa.
Starting with a class of 25 students in 2022, it now welcomes 50 new students each year.

January 2022

Launch of PN’s 4th program in Antananarivo with 25 students, the 1st center in Africa.

October 2022

First graduation ceremony of the preparatory class, class of 2022.

June 2023

The French Development Agency supports our program. The “Vavahady Niomerika” project aims to promote access to digital training, guidance and employability for the most disadvantaged young high school graduates, and more particularly girls, in Madagascar.

October 2023

Second graduation ceremony of the preparatory class, class of 2023.

January 2024

PNM is incorporating a new specialization into its curriculum for students in “Letters, Communication, and Digital (LCD).”

March 2024

PN Madagascar is relocating and inaugurating its new center. This year also marks a significant milestone, with the capacity doubling as the class size increases from 25 to 50 students.

June 2024

Four PNM students won the Créathon—an international innovation competition—and were invited to Poitiers, France.


Our PNM Testimonies

Discover compelling testimonies from current students, alumni, and professors!

Professor of Design and Website Development at PNM

I am committed to teaching because I feel a deep desire to share the knowledge I have acquired with young people from disadvantaged backgrounds.

My goal is to help them discover and develop their skills and passions so that they can find their place and succeed in society.

I firmly believe that education is a powerful lever for individual empowerment and social transformation, which is why I am fully invested in this effort to impart knowledge.

Current student PNM - class of 2024

I am 18 years old, and I am in the Digital Technology Sciences class. I wanted to join Passerelles Numériques Madagascar (PNM) because it was an opportunity for me to study in the digital field. Thanks to PNM, I will have the chance to attend university and pursue higher education.

What I like most here is that we live in a community. Living with other young people gives me personal experience and helps me grow.

Here, we share ideas and talk among ourselves, and we do activities together. Here, we can study and learn about digital technology!

Student - class of 2022

The preparatory year at Passerelles Numériques was an enriching experience.

It was truly an opportunity for me, as it allowed me to discover and become familiar with the modern world, particularly in the field of digital technology. Being one of the beneficiaries of PNM is undoubtedly an unforgettable experience that has allowed me to grow and thrive.


Latest News from PNM

Find the latest news and updates.

We can be heroes, just for one day!
The final year of our Class 2018: An intensive academic journey
Learning By Experimenting through Education and Computer Simulation
Leading towards a brighter future through Digital Literacy
Debating Contest – A great way to learn critical thinking
We can be heroes, just for one day!
The final year of our Class 2018: An intensive academic journey
Learning By Experimenting through Education and Computer Simulation
Leading towards a brighter future through Digital Literacy
Debating Contest – A great way to learn critical thinking

Our Team

The PNM team is committed to fostering a better future for Malagasy youths.

Lanto RAKOTOANDRIANA Country Director
Ianja RATOVONIRINA Selection Manager
Vanessa MESTRE External Relations Manager
Tsoavina RANDRIAMANALINA Training Manager
Tsiry RAKORONJANAHARY Administrative and Financial Manager
Ny Aina RAZAKAMANANA Education Manager

Partner with us!

We partner with businesses in many ways:
Internships, recruitment of our qualified graduates, laptop donations, financial support and many other forms of collaboration…

For questions and information, please contact:
Vanessa MESTRE – External Relations Manager at PNM

Join our team!

PNM offers employment and volunteer opportunities.

To submit a spontaneous application, kindly send your updated CV and a cover letter to :

Because every contribution
matters to PNM…

Our Local Partners

Our Global Partners

Contact us


ASFOR Building, Ampandrianomby, Antananarivo, Madagascar



External Relations Manager: